Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Tomorrow at 3:00 my summer officially begins!!!!


Aside from the one class I have to go to tomorrow, however, I finished my coursework this morning at 10:30 with my history final. Boy, have I had the most magnificent day.

After my final, it all started with a nap... (you know that had to be in there somewhere), after that a trip to get some money and do a little packing and laundry in preparation for my summer vacation. At 13:00, I indulged in my new favorite addiction. I am no officially a "Who's the Boss" a-holic. I've spent the majority of my rest time watching old episodes on you tube (though I tell myself this is me basically watching tv because there's never anything on over here). I am currently lamenting the fact that Sony only released the 1st season on DVD, but nonetheless I am enjoying my new infatuation with the relationship of Angela and Tony. After "Who's the Boss" went off I took a walk, that lasted for 3 hours.

The most amazing history nerd moment of the day? I found the place of the city walls where D'Artagnon was killed in the 1600. You know D'Artagnon, right? He's of the "Three Musketeers" fame, but he was a real historical figure before Alexander Dumas wrote a story about him and he died fighting the Spanish in Maastricht. There's a statue of him on the sight. (It's beautiful, too) and the bottom is inscribed with the ever popular motto, "Tous pour un, un pour tous," All for one, one for all.

In all, I had a marvelous day, my last full day in Maastricht. When I get back here there are going to be too many formalities and meetings to indulge in any exploring or even revisiting of favorite sights. Which brings me to my next point.

I'm going to Italy!!!!
(there are alot of things to Whoohoo about today)
I've been waiting form my Italy trip pretty much sense I started Baylor in the fall of 2007. I'm so excited to actually get there, you have absolutely no idea. We leave tomorrow directly from class and start 2 1/2 weeks of individual travel. In this time I'm going to see Venice, Lake Como, Milan, Rome, London (again), Dublin, and Edinburgh. The good news is that I've protected all the documents on my computer so I can take my laptop with me.

(told ya)

Mom actually made this suggestion, though I think it was just a scheme to make it so we can have the occasional skype chat. But it's going to be beneficial for you too! A laptop means internet and internet means blog posts.


Not every day, mind you, but when I get the opportunity. So that's all for now. Wish me safe travels and I'll see you when I can!