Monday, August 16, 2010

Uh... Hello World...

Ok, so this post is already off to a bizarre start. I didn't have to dig through any bags to get to a power adaptor, the computer charger just plugged straight into the wall. Novel concept.

These past few days I pretty much fell off the face of the earth, and I would probably still be sitting at World's End if I didn't acknowledge the fact that you all really deserve to know a: I'm still alive and b: we're at the conclusion of my blogging career (at least for now).

Of course, we had to go out with a bang right? Especially considering the fact that the flight over to Amsterdam was so eventful with volcanoes and ash, and a free vacation in Houston. Well, we got the same VIP treatment coming home except this time Mother Nature wasn't the bearer of disaster... that was pretty much left up to our airplane. It all started with the announcement that our 10:10 flight was going to leave an hour late because of "technical" difficulties on the aircraft. First of all, there is never anything that makes you want to board an airplane less than the word "technical difficulties" I get the envisionment of massive fireballs and shrapnel, "remember to always secure the mask on yourself first before turning to assist others." Never fear though apparently those difficulties simply meant the tanks for half the latrines on board were clogged... this we found out when they boarded us all because they had to move the vessel to another gate to make room for another flight. When they finally came up with a plan: fly with half working latrines, empty the tank in Maine and continue on to Houston: they discovered a bubble on the tire of the landing gear. Then, when they were changing the tire they realized a brake pad was balding and needed replacing as well. By the time we actually left Amsterdam five hours later (4 of those hours having been spent on the plane) I was beginning to worry we weren't actually going anywhere that day, and as much as I would have loved to stay in Europe a little longer... I was ready to see my Mommy and Daddy. Someone promised me that I could and that was all I was asking from life at that moment.

So, what have I done now that I'm back in America? Well, step one was to let my cell phone die, and as soon as this post is up, I'm going to casually misplace the power cord to my computer until Monday when school starts.

I've also had quite an extensive to do list:
10 episodes of "Bethenny Getting Married"
14 episodes of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey"

I've laid on the couch and watched tv since Friday, I've got the list whittled pretty low, too. I've watched 9 episodes of Bethenny and 10 of Housewives. Oh yea.

So, being back in the states has really reminded me of the things that I've missed about America, and after some hard thinking I've ranked my top three.

1. DRIVING! I'm like a 16 year old with a new license, "Mom, can I drive to the store?" I've only run a few errands, but after three months with no car the radio blaring with the windows rolled down is a beautiful thing.

2. Church. I so enjoyed getting to see everyone Sunday, and I hadn't had the time to stop and really think on how much I've missed the music and sermons! Seriously, I haven't been in a church for a purpose other than touring it in three months. It was good to come home.

3. Southern Hospitality! So, we were sitting in McAlisters after church Sunday, and it was getting busy, so mom and I got up to give our table to lady that was waiting. You know what? That doesn't happen in Europe, people get up when they're ready to get up and if you want to eat there you'll wait. It also feels nice to just be able to look people in the eye and smile as you pass them on the street. So, here's to you Southern Hospitality, tell you're Mama I asked about her, and have a blessed day.

I'm home, baby!