Several weeks ago, I decided I would hang around Maastricht this weekend and tie up all of my little loose ends. Most people followed my lead, staying close to home and taking day trips. My roommate however left for a couple of days on the beaches at Normandy so it's home alone, baby! It's party time!!! for those of you who don't know my style of partying, lets just say its pretty much synonymous with "cooking." And when I say cooking I don't mean "pop it into the microwave and hit defrost." So, after a trip to the grocery store yesterday morning I was all ready to go.
The Ingredients:

"Gekruide Speklap"= spiced pork
(great for the BBQ)

"Knoflooksaus"= garlic sauce

"Griekse olijven met deense kaas"= Greek olives with Danish Cheese.
(Apparently Feta cheese is called Danish cheese)
Are you ready? Meat pops in the skillet and off we go.

Icannot even tell you how wonderful this smelled, all the spices (heavy on the paprika, I think) and the meat. Oh, it was delicious. Before I knew it, it was done!

Garnish with a Kiwi for a little fruit (and a chocolate truffle for dessert) and your good to go. I'm no Martha Stuart, but I'd consider this party a success.
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